You get it now. You truly understand. Dorah is a boon to our society. She was sent to foster a cross-cultural love connection for the next generation, ending all this awful racism against Hispanics. And the obnoxious pretend interaction of the show? Well that was simply a means to encourage children to support the struggling video game industry which employs so many children in impoverished nations rendering the amazing graphics for 18 hours a day so that they can fall asleep sucking on a grain of rice. Tears well in your eyes; Dorah is here to improve life on Earth for all people. She is Jesus reincarnate, and if people choose to hate Jesus, and his thorough understanding of Canadian legal principles; so be it. It’s time to spread the love lawfully, and all those who disagree can burn in the wake of your amazing consciousness expanding Kayfabe. You hop into your pre-torn lawyery suit, and strap on your purple back pack. Instead of MAP, you stuff it full of old legal documents you find in your mom’s drawers. Whatever: she probably doesn’t need them anymore. It’s time to Rassle! You run down to the local booking agent of the NOW league and rap on his door.
When he answers he arrives bleary eyed in his house coat which is open to show his stained briefs beneath.
“Do you think NOW needs a kid themed family law lawyer? Press here on me to say yes!” you say in a screechy squeal with unnatural smile, head cocked obnoxiously to the side. Your demeanour seems happy, but your eyes portray the look of a kidnapping victim desperately begging to be rescued while a gun is held to her back. Without a second thought he mumbles that you are booked, and then shoves the door closed as you assume he stumbles back to his nesting bed of whiskey puke and cheese doodles. You skip home merrily, and ask the sky if it knows whether you should take the forest path home, or the short cut under the scary bridge, and the sky suddenly answers!