After flagrantly defying copyright law once again, you roll away from the heart-broken Earth Angel and continue falling into the vastness of imaginary space. What miracles you shall encounter here! Shooting stars.... comets! The shattered and glorious remains of imploded stars that form immense swaths of colour as nebula across your expanse. Wait... none of that is happening here. All you've got is a static image of the night sky. Sure it's panoramic, 3-d 360 all around, but it isn't even moving! I guess whatever you are falling towards, those stars are so far away, your relatively tiny motion isn't enough to shift your perspective even a little. They look dull anyways. Why is that? Is there light pollution in your dream? Dear God there is, isn't there!? By golly you are dull aren't you? You imagined light pollution! Oh wait, no, that's actually the Sun peaking through your basement window. Oh shit! Looks like you'll have to wake up and try to cram your dirty laundry back in the sky hole to block out the light. God it's hard to sleep till the afternoon in this shitty house! Your fucking mom sucks you know that? Why can't she buy a better house with a basement room without windows for shit's sake!? Ugh... now you are so annoyed you can't even fall back to sleep..... great. As if you'll be able to do any science on 4 hours of sleep. You'll have to figure out some other way to make money I guess.

Maybe you could funnel all your hopes and dreams into an infinite stream of lotto tickets that just HAVE to pay off sometime! turn to page STATISTICIAN MAGICIAN!

Maybe prostitution? turn to page......YOU SEXY BEAST YOU!!!

Maybe try to get active, do some exercise, so that you can fall asleep at a normal hour and get enough rest to be a functional member of society? turn to page...... I REALLY DON'T THINK THIS TYPE OF ENTERTAINMENT IS FOR THE TYPE OF PERSON WHO WOULD PICK THIS OPTION.