You head outside, you are tired, but the bright beaming sun will be enough to rejuvenate your soul and lead you into a new, balanced, healthy, and motivated life of purpose. Your feet hit the pavement as you spurt forth, breeze in your luscious hair, light beaming off your smile. Your pace quickens as does your heart-rate, the exertion of your muscles trigger a release of endorphins to flood your brain with bliss. You close your eyes and breathe deep the glory of existence on this tiny rock whirling around an infinitely exploding ball of nuclear reactions rocketing through the cosmos faster than anything humanity can conceive. But you know, humanity can conceive some pretty fast shit, like the truck that just rammed into you as you burst blindly across an intersection, beaming into the afterlife. It's a dangerous world out there you know, it would have been much safer to hide in your mom's basement with your cockroach experiments.

Better Luck Next Time!