It is time. Rambo style infiltration of the tunnel systems that founded this town. There is no other way. Should you grab your long-lost pappy's old semi-auto in the basement? No, leave that there for a more dire situation, all you need now is your camo gear and your wits for this mission. After getting suited up and staring into the mirror for an inordinate amount of time, it occurs to you that camouflage to slip in and out of a pulp and paper mill unnoticed would probably be a flannel shirt, work pants, and a hard hat. Oh well, never mind, this is WAY more hard-core! You sprint all the way to the old abandoned inn near the river. You dive through a broken window, land on a musty bed, and crash for about 24 hours. That was a lot of exertion for you! The most active you've been in nigh-on ages! You are ready to engage now though. Things are about to get serious. Underneath the old inn, the town hall, the old hospital, and the mill, are a network of tunnels used for piping... or wiring... or maybe just to shuttle slaves back and forth. Who knows really? All that you know for sure is that your childhood of crawling around through cobwebs and mould have finally paid off. On your stomach you do that military elbow crawl you always see in training montages. It's really fun and exciting despite the chaffed elbows. Without having to consult a map (which doesn't exist), you find your way into the dank dirty depths of the paper mill. Gone are the cobwebs, as you crawl through spilled and rotting pulp. It smells bad, but you know, somewhere here lies the Mystical Mage of Legal Recourse. You will drop the Beuro-Beings if it's the last thing you do! What you need now is a method of finding this mythical man, trapped in this smelly dark dungeon: but how?

While you are stuck in a nostalgic time-loop back to childhood, if you choose to remember the advice of the toucan and follow your nose to the mage, turn to page..... HYDRO-SULFIDE IS DELICIOUS AND SAFE UNTIL YOU CAN'T SMELL IT ANY LONGER!

If you instead decide that he must be hiding in the most uninhabited area of the mill possible, and use a human-negative tropism as a means of seeking him out, turn to page...... SNEAKING CAMO-STYLES!