"Oh Pep-Pep!" you sob as you race towards him and rapture him amongst your crushing grasp, "Oh Pippity-Pep... I love you so much! Where were you! I missed you... oh so much... always. Missed you sir!"
"Oh son.... son sonny, sonny son. There are so many women to fuck in this world, do you think I wanted to be stuck inside that one rancid crotch for all of eternity just because it shat out a kidlet?" Your sub-conscious projection of your father notices the utter horror elicited from this message and quickly shifts gears, "Because the amazing awesomeness that is you was far too much for my science-brained self to endure child!" you immediately dream-forget the preceding lines and perk up into a tear-soaked smile, gazing up into your imagined father's loving eyes, "You see, I know that I could never live up to the unbelievably creative heights your genius mind would conjure on this infinitely malleable Earth. Your potential is limitless son, your imagination is capable of bringing anything you could possibly conceive, no matter how impossible, into reality. My existence in your life could only have dragged down your infinite potential with my rigid, reality based verifiable cause and effect mind-set. You see son, to help you grow.... I had to set you free..." he gazes off into the endless abyss with steely, road-weary eyes at this point. You turn your head from its position in his loving arm-pit out to follow his gaze in the wild endless yonder. There, an amazing amalgam of everything you ever imagined begins to burble up from the nothingness. Everything ever and never before accomplished become a boiling froth of possibility within the outer reaches of the inner recesses of your mind. Father gives you a final squeeze before releasing you into the aether of your dream. You drift off towards the immensity of your own amazing possibility... you see it all before you, it seems possible to jump-skip over a bunch of bullshit and land squarely into the meat of any adventure you might potentially drift upon.... how exciting!

If you decide to soar straight into the ring as a racially indiscriminate wrestler about to shoot a match for ethnic equality against a political prince turn to page..... SOCIAL SHMUSHTEST WARRIOR!

If you decide to infiltrate the local mill in search of the legal mage on a quest to decimate the sixth dimensional Beuro-Bots from our reality, turn to page..... IT'S, UH, COMPLICATED

If in your marvelously advanced mental state you decide it is time to test your manlihood in a battle of wits and muscle against a group of neighbourhood children turn to page....... YOU'VE BEEN PREPARING FOR THIS YOUR ENTIRE LIFE...

If you wish to contemplate pan-spermia and conduct a serious scientific inquiry into the possibilities of extra-terrestrial existence, turn to page....... FOR THE LOVE OF SCIENCE!

If you decide that reality is for suckers, and choose to simply rewind your dream to remain in this miasma of subconscious mystery forever, turn to page...... I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL TODAY MOM!!!!!

If you finally want to cut all the crap, and pursue a slim chance that by re-examining the most horrific elements of childhood culture you can find some real closure with your estranged father outside of your delusion mouldy dreams, turn to page …..... I'M COMING FATHER!