You take a moment to attempt to compose yourself. Wiping the tears from your cheek, and calming your breathing down a normal rate. As you feel your heart return to normal function, a slim sense of reason returns to your mind. "Oh no!" you think, "I should have called them when I was all freaked out and upset! Now they'll think I'm some cool calm serial killer like on the t.v.'s! They'll think I enjoyed watching mother's corpse get swarmed with Earth Angels, and maybe even try to lay other similar murders on me as a pattern!"
"Damn!" you think. Hmmm..... maybe you need to splash some water on your face first..... no wait.... what if they test your tears for their validity? No, you need to create your own saline solution. What is it anyways? Like, salt and water? You walk to the cupboard to get out the salt. Damnit! Your mother and her fancy food ways! She has four separate types of salt, and none of them are labeled "The Tears of a Matricidal Maniac". Hmm.... would it be more likely that your tears taste like kosher salt or pink Himalayan mountain salt? Table salt is obviously far too common a choice for such a dastardly accidental crime. Perhaps what you need is to have the police drown in an ocean of your tears.... Ah! SEA SALT!

If you decide to fake your tears with coarse Kosher salt, turn to page......THE RABBI APPROVES THE RELIGIOUS CONSUMPTION OF YOUR SORROW

If you decide to play off your agony in Himalayan pink rock form, turn to page.....RARE MINERALS FOR A RARE MOMENT IN TIME

If you instead decide that only an ocean could wash away the stench of guilt, turn to page...... DROWNING IN AN OCEAN OF LIES!