You dump half the shaker of sea salt into a sauce pan. Next comes the water, fresh out of the tap. Delicious and ripe with nutritious waste by-products from the industrial production of aluminum. Yum! You stir that shit around and splash it in your face. "Ahhhh!" you scream. Ah indeed! Too much salt! It burns! You race out into the street, tears streaming down, wailing at the injustice of your lack of medicinal know-how. To the sea you scream! Time to lay down in the surf and let the waves crash over your spent body. Maybe there's no ocean near where you live, but you rush wailing into the forest anyhow. There, you get stabbed incessantly with sticks and bug stingers, owl hoots and snake hisses. You blindly thrash about until your hands connect with something solid. Something hard with just the slightest bit of give. You hold on tight in an attempt remain upright, straining your watering eyes to see what lies before you.
"Ok." you hear a voice say.
You stumble a bit in surprise, and wobble back and forth, your grip on the rigid limb stays firm. "Oh oh OH!" you hear the tree before you state. "Ooooh ooooh oooooohkay! You can have my cockroach! Take it all!" the blurry tree cries.