In your current state you could only dream up two names. As much as you despise Dora The Explorer, and as much as you know the rest of adult society does as well, your hatred of that vile banality is too much to even contemplate partaking in. So you forsake your initial instinct, and stick with the more appropriate titleage of Sally the Solicitor. You know that to fulfill this title of doom accurately, you will need the secret weapon of a briefcase full of legal documents you can drown your opponents in when the ref’s back is turned. Ingenious! And your manager? Every great Heel needs a fabulous manager to distract the ref while you reach for your secret weapon. You will have Patty the Process Server. Oh yes…. this is rich! Once you secure a fully licensed and legal process server to deliver legal challenges to your opponents to appear in person at the regional court of the squared circle, you can climb to the top ropes and body slam injunctions into their stupid good guy faces; amazing! Only one difficult and tricky question remains, are you willing to rely on your own knowledge of the Canadian legal system you picked up from the high school course you slept through; or will you hire an actual lawyer to ensure the legal documents you serve in the ring are fully and legally binding?

If you choose to spend the remainder of your bank account on a retainer for an on-going relationship with a fully licensed Law Society of Upper Canada Solicitor to prepare the imaginary documents you plan to strangle other wrestlers with, turn to page MONEY WELL SPENT!

If you choose to do your darndest to draw up your own binding documentation turn to page THIS NEVER ENDS WELL.