If you are going to be the best Ex-Spouse's Lawyer you can be, you are going to need to find someone to match your exact physique and unearthly physical prowess. You will have to take to the wilds of the internet to find a suitable partner. You log onto the unnamed website used for advertising random things publicly, and begin your posting. "Super buff hunk of awesome action looking for a partner. Height 6:2, weight 300 pounds, pure muscle. Looking for a perfect fit to roll around with. I can provide your costume for you. I like playing your ex-spouse's lawyer, so you must like getting raped." The response to this posting was a bit overwhelming for you. None of the applicants seemed to take your request for a body double very seriously though (or had vastly unrealistic perceptions about their own bodies.) Strangely, they were all excellent when on the losing end of the match, but seemed to never want to take the lead. The continuous reminders that they had to be on their backs for you to successfully mount them seemed wasted on deaf ears. Although the concealed bludgeon they all carried in their tights was a nice preparatory touch, NOW can get pretty dirty. You aren't entirely sure if this has been the best training for your try-out, but what else can you do? It seems as though you'll have to get on with it, perhaps your persona is so terrifying that no wrestler in their right mind would ever dare to take the lead in a match for fear of losing their home. “Hmmm... this is all shaping up nicely!” you think. Now all you need is a name to complete your package!

If you choose to be called "Boris The Barister" turn to page OPTION 1.

If you choose to be called "Al Yo Money" turn to page OPTION 2.