You haven't done a lot of sex in your life. You paid for it once.... oh how you paid... and paid.. and paid. Now it's time to get you some Skrilla back! It's your turn son, and given how sleep deprived you are on this day, lying on your back and taking it is about all the work you are capable of doing. You know you've seen enough Lady of the Night drama on television to have a pretty good idea what sort of attire you'll require to get the gigs coming in. You remember the early days of your childhood and how your mom used to dress whenever she'd hire a babysitter. You dig through the dusty depths into the long forgotten corners of her walk-in closet and piece together your work uniform.
You are too excited to start clawing back some scratch to wait until the proverbial evening to strut the streets, so you head on down to the mall, swinging your pink plastic purse around seductively. It probably goes without saying that you are a tad conspicuous in your small town shopping center, and not long after you finish up with your third client in the public restroom, you find yourself being escorted into the back of a cruiser where you are informed that there will be PLENTY of work for you behind bars. You didn't think they were allowed to start serving liquor before noon in this province, but whatever, they are the police so they must know what they're doing!