"Oh dear god!!! Are you.....am I? Are WE for real?" You spurt in a moment of important self-realization.
"No my son," the Joe responds, "This is the deep dark truth which I have come to under-contemplati-stand. Our 3 dimensional reality is in fact an illusion. Really the sixth dimensional bureaucratic realm is the one which constitutes complete and utter existence... the one.... THE ONE WHERE ALL ACCOUNTS!"
"Sir.... you are crazy! You make no sane! Why, if our reality were an illusion, would those of the real world need to reach in and manipulate us of an illusory world?"
"Because it's a game you see!" He screeches with glee, "We are like a big giant Nintendo to them! All the pain, suffering, and misery is a simple matter of buttons and knobs they can manipulate to pass the time in their utterly boring dimension, which is real, but still just as utterly pointless and demeaning as our own."
"So this is what you've spent the past century working on? A nihilistic take-down of not only our dimension, but all higher realms as well? It's not enough to cast shade upon the possibilities of human life on Earth, but also, you must degrade and deny the heavenly dimensions as well? Seriously sir?"
"Yes, don't be a sissy, let's huff this bottle of formaldehyde I got from the bleach plant and hallucinate our way into a solution."
"Are you kidding Mr. Joe? No! I'm taking you out of here and getting you the help you need! This has gone too far! We are victims of our own imaginations, revved up and set to infinity by the crushing oppression of a cruel and pointless hierarchy. Surely we would benefit from some psychological re-education! Just look at yourself! You live in squalor amongst the silver-fish! Listen to reason for once and let us ascend from this steamy hell-hole!" you wail as you shake him about the shoulders.
"No my son..... this is the only way!" magician Joe removes what appears to be a joint rolled with newsprint from his musty old pockets and dips it into a jar labeled "FormAllDieHide", before holding it to your face. "Take the trip with me son, and we shall finally rid ourselves of all allusion."
"I think you meant to say 'illusion'."
"Bah! If you were paying closer attention, you'd know!"

If you choose to flirt with the embalming possibilities of un-reality turn to page....MORTIFYING!

If you instead stick to the imagined sanity of saving both Magic Joe and yourself from certain stock-encrusted lunacy, turn to page....FORTIFYING!